The SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit is a new Fiori based application tool (App ID F3473 – Migrate Your Data) that helps to migrate data by using migration objects. In SAP ECC this was done mostly by using the transaction LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench (Guide for uploading FI postings). The LSMW transaction is still present and working in a SAP S/4HANA system but its not recommended to use anymore.

The Simplification List is the offical Sap document that lists all the changes and updates made when transitioning from SAP ERP 6.0 ECC to SAP S/4HANA. It acts as a reference guide for these changes. The new Fiori app is working in a similiar way than LSMW but has some simplifications.

First we have to create a new migration project and select a migration object. SAP provides a set of pre-made migration objects that you can use to transfer your data to SAP S/4HANA. A migration object is a set of instructions that tells the tool how to move data for a specific type of business data (like G/L accounts or customer information) It also includes information about how to translate the data from one system to the other such as rules for converting values or mapping fields. In this example we want to migrate cost center masterdata to sap.

After completing mapping tasks (setting fixed values) in this case we have to set the controlling area on a default value we can download a .xml template that is used in the same way than uploading mass data in other fiori apps for instance (Upload General Journal Entries S/4Hana Fiori App).

This .xml template file can be edited by ms excel. Mandatory fields are marked/flagged * in the beginning of the field description.

When uploading the completed file to the migration project the file is queued for getting validated. The status can be checked in the monitoring function of the app.

After the successful validation some further mapping rules need to be confirmed before we can perform a simulation migration run.

The logfiles of the simulation run will give some details about a possible processing. If the protocol is fine (8 cost centers can be created). The error message relate to a minor authorization issue in my S/4HANA test environment (DMC_AUTH_CHECK). Fiori app based authorization issues can be also found and analysed by using the systemtrace transaction ST01.

After performing the productive run the cost centers are available in the SAP S/4HANA system.