SAP Fiori is a UX (User Experience) design system developed by SAP that provides a set of applications called SAP Fiori apps. These apps have a consistent modern design and cover various business processes such as financials, human resources and procurement and so on. They are built using the SAPUI5 technology and are often used to access data and perform transactions in SAP systems. The goal of SAP Fiori apps is to improve user productivity and satisfaction by providing easy-to-use interfaces for common business tasks.
One of the new Fiori Apps for Finance offers an Excel Upload Function for GL postings that was previously only avaiable by using third party tools that uses batch data structure and processed the data by using sap report RFBIBL00.
Fiori Apps can be found on the Sap fioriappslibrary (App ID F2548) and here you can check for application documentation, important sap notes and requirements like Software Component Version or Buisness Roles (new authorization roles used for Sap Fiori).
First we need to add the Fiori App to your My Home column by using the App finder function.
The Upload General Journal App allows you to upload multiple general journal entries from an excel spreadsheet or CSV file using the provided template that needs to be downloaded first.
The excel spreadsheet already contains the required format (in this case posting header and line items)
The file can be multiplied up to 999 entries (posting headers). Every posting can have up to 999 line items like in the standard Sap transactions.
Mandatory fields are marked/flagged * in the beginning of the field description. Other than that the Fiori Apps seems to validate and process the postings in the same way than they would be posted by using FB50. It is not possible to enter an debit or credit account. When we upload the Excel spreadsheet the App will already perform a validation check for incomplete or invalid entries.
Once the upload is successful we can post the entries to the relevant company codes. The same validations and posting checks that are performed during manual FB50 posting are also performed here.
Even the user exit valdiation rule is performed at that point. (previous post how to set up an User Exit Validation for Intercompany postings)
If no problem occure within both validation and posting check routines the Fiori app will process the postings.
These postings done by Fiori App can be identify by the tcode FBDC_P001 and by the external reference field (in this case $1F19AHG4BO9)
This external reference field can be used to search in the Fiori Application log to find a log file history for this transaction process.